Hey my beautiful friend 💓
First off, I am sorry you are feeling defeated, and that you have contemplated giving up on the goals that you set for yourself. I completely understand that feeling as I have wrestled with those thoughts myself a lot (even lately, if you can believe that).
But hear me out…
We all have moments when the road to our goals feels daunting, right? We all have moments when the frustration and self-doubt creep in— and the temptation to give up becomes insanely overwhelming. But please remember— it’s during these challenging times that our true strength and resilience is being tested. It’s in THESE moments where we really show ourselves how bad we really want *this* for ourselves. So, if you’re feeling like throwing in the towel, this is for you. Because I know you really don’t want to quit… You are just in a temporary space where you are feeling the pressure and overwhelm a little more intensely. So let’s dive into the power of perseverance, self-compassion, and the importance of remembering why you started in the first place.

Every worthwhile goal comes with its fair share of obstacles and setbacks, right? (The answer is YES!) As we know, the path to success is rarely a straight line (it’s honestly a roller coaster) — filled with twists, turns, and even some unexpected detours. But instead of viewing these challenges as roadblocks, or things that are meant to stop us completely, let’s embrace these moments in our journey as opportunities for growth and learning. Remember, it’s the journey that shapes us into the person we are fighting for 🙌🏻 And when I first started my journey back in 2014, I can honestly say I didn’t see it this way. I saw my journey as something with a finish line 🏁 I didn’t see it as a life long journey of growth. I saw it as, “how fast can I get to my goal”, not really considering what would happen after I reached that goal. So I also think it’s important to remember that there is no finish line to continual growth. So hear me when I say, stop trying to rush yourself my friend. I know it’s super cliche (but its TRUE): but slow down and embrace your journey. Allow yourself to make mistakes, try new things, and take the pressure off of yourself to have to do everything perfectly the first time. Okay?

When faced with difficulty, it’s natural to feel discouraged or overwhelmed. But it’s in these moments that your true character shines through ✨ Do yourself a favor, and allow yourself to shut your eyes and take a slow, deep breath (really, do it). And then say this to yourself:
Something I share with my clients often when it comes to their goals is to make sure they are breaking down their goal into smaller, more manageable steps— and focus on taking it one step, and one day at a time. And if you are finding yourself in a more challenging season of life (external factors feel like too much), give yourself permission to scale back a little bit more. But don’t completely push yourself and your goals to the back burner. Keep showing up for yourself and your goals in the capacity you can continue to show up in, but KEEP GOING! I promise, it might feel impossible right now. But it’s not, my friend! YOU CAN DO THIS! Also don’t forget to take some time to celebrate yourself and your victories along the way (no matter how small you think they are), as celebrating your success and victories can be great fuel and motivation to help you to keep pushing forward.

Hey… in case you need the reminder… we’re all human 💓 and it’s important to give ourselves grace when things don’t go as planned. It’s also important to acknowledge that setbacks and frustrations are a normal part of any journey. So instead of beating yourself up over perceived failures… choose to practice some self-compassion, my friend. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a friend, significant other, or even a child. Remember, it’s okay to stumble. What matters is that you pick yourself up, and don’t allow yourself to STAY down. Give yourself the time, YES. But don’t unpack and live in the state of frustration and defeat because things aren’t going as planned. Realign. Reevaluate. Refocus. Recommit if you need. But friend, please don’t beat yourself up. It’s going to be okay. I promise & you have to believe that. The Universe has your back, babe. What’s yours will ALWAYS be yours. Don’t forget that.

In moments of doubt, it’s so important to reconnect with the initial spark that inspired you to get started. I love to have all my clients initially reflect on the reasons why they want to get started on a specific goal or path in the first place. There are 8 questions I usually ask them when we are trying to create a crystal clear “why” for them. Here are the 8 questions I ask them:
- Why is this goal important to you?
- What does this mean for you?
- Why does this matter to you?
- How will that effect your everyday life?
- Who else will it effect?
- Why is this change important to you?
- What are you willing to do to achieve it?
- What happens if you don’t do it?
Feel free to reflect on these when you have time to put some thought into it. When it comes to continuing to push forward, being able to remind yourself of the vision you had for yourself is SO powerful.

Never underestimate the power of a strong support system 👯♀️ Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and your goals/dreams is SO important (you definitely want a supportive circle). Which is a big reason why I absolutely love conducting coaching spaces with 5-10 women at a time. The support, encouragement, inspiration and community & being able to share your struggles and wins with likeminded women in s space where you feel safe and heard is honestly a game changer. It doesn’t have to just be with me, but I would 110% recommend finding a community where you feel heard, loved and supported through the ups and downs of your journey. Also consider finding yourself an accountability partner who will hold you responsible for your actions and cheer you on during difficult times.

If you have a Facebook and want to join my *free* support group page, feel free to come join our little supportive squad: https://www.facebook.com/groups/915237096751881/

remember that success rarely comes easily or quickly.
The journey may be tough, but remember this my friend, YOU ARE TOUGHER!
And it’s in these moments of challenge that you have the opportunity to grow, learn, and become the best version of yourself. I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but you will look back on this moment in your journey and be SO proud of yourself for not quitting on yourself. Because ✨THIS✨ moment, when it feels the hardest, is where the growth comes from. So embrace the journey, give yourself grace, and never lose sight of why you started. Remember that every step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to your dreams (even the smallest steps add up 💪🏻). Keep going, keep pushing forward, and one day, you’ll look back with SO MUCH pride, knowing that you didn’t give up when it mattered the most.
Remember, you are capable of extraordinary things. Believe in yourself, have faith in your power and drive to pursue your dreams, and never allow these temporary setbacks to define your future.
The world needs your unique talents and contributions. Keep going, and let your light shine bright ✨
You’ve got this!
But please, don’t give up on yourself. You want this (whatever THIS is) for a reason. Keep going, babe.

Thank you for this! I definitely needed to read this. I’m five months postpartum and I’ve been struggling to lose this baby weight. I start then stop and feeling defeated. I just want to feel good in my own skin again, thank you!!
Aw, trust me! I completely understand that and your feelings are VALID. Postpartum is a hard journey because you are also dealing with SO much else. But you are strong, and you can do it. As moms, we often make ourselves believe we HAVE to do it all at once.. but take that pressure off yourself and allow yourself to take the ENTIRE journey one step at a time. You got this, girl! Rooting for you! <3